Friday, September 24, 2010

Kelana Jaya: Bulb Mode

These photos are my first shot on Bulb mode technique. The location was at Kelana Jaya bridge near to Gaint Supermarket. Thank to Mr.Shashi who teach me to explore this technique. It was new experience for me. Hereby I am posting the technique:
Technique: 1) Set the camera mode to manual.
                 2) Set the shutter speed to bulb.
                 3) Set the aperture to f5.6.
                 4) Set the ISO to 800
                 5) Press the remote shutter release for 15 seconds.
                 6) Change the white balance to tungsten for white colour light.
Gear: 1) Tripod
         2) Remote shutter release.
         3) DT 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 lense.

This is one of the technique mode and settings that I have used. Please share your experience on the Bulb mode. Feel free to drop the comment.  
For more picture please visit My Gallery or Flickr.


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